Kill Cliff's Granite Games FitCon

Have you ever wanted to ask Brooke Ence how she got her killer biceps? Want to know how Sam Dancer fits his massive legs into a normal pair of pants?

On Thursday, September 6th, Kill Cliff's Granite Games is offering you direct access to the leaders of the CrossFit and fitness community, including pro athletes, coaches, nutritionists, and more!

These industry leaders will be answering your questions from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Following the round-table portion of the night, stick around to hear Keynote Speakers Jason Khalipa (CEO & Founder of NCFIT) and John Swanson (CEO & Founder of Granite Games) give a special presentation for the audience.

The round-table panel will include:

  • Brooke Ence - CrossFit athlete, social media personality, film actress
  • Chris Spealler - athlete, affiliate owner, trainer
  • Sam Dancer- CrossFit athlete
  • Tim Thackery - JUICE & Factory Forged (Programming/Coaching Mentoring)
  • Chris Thorndike - President of Factory Forged

Trust us, you DON'T want to miss this!

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