KILL CLIFF Supports The Accelerating Veterans Recovery Outdoors Act (HR 2435)

Recently, KILL CLIFF ran an Elk Hunt giveaway to bring awareness to the Accelerating Veterans Recovery Outdoors Act (HR 2435). Being a veteran-founded company, we think it's important to support the efforts of those trying to make an easier transition for those serving our country. We aren't just focused on physical recovery, we're focused on mental recovery as well.

If you aren't familiar with the Accelerating Veterans Recovery Outdoors Act (HR 2435), I'll give you a quick rundown.

Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) and his lead co-sponsor, Adam Smith (D-WA) reintroduced this bipartisan legislation that will set up a task force to study how our National Parks and public lands can be used to help our veterans recover from their military service.

“Veterans hospitals are renowned for intricate and comprehensive specialty surgeries and treatments, but we can and should do more,” said Rep. Chris Smith, former Veterans Committee Chairman. “Studies have shown—and veterans organizations strongly concur—that outdoor recreational activities can provide powerful therapeutic and healing benefits as well as camaraderie for veterans struggling with combat-related injuries or post-traumatic stress,” said Rep. Chris Smith. “We should be thinking outside-the-box to discover as many ways as possible to help veterans, and opening up federal lands and removing barriers to access for remedial outdoor recreation is a no-brainer. My legislation would help increase access to this treatment option.”

The bill is still working its way through Congress, so we need your help. Fill out this form to let your voice be heard! Help out those who serve and protect us all!

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