Kill Cliff Recommends: A Delta Force ISIS Prison Break-In Is Pretty Badass

In 2015, members of the Army’s Delta Force, along with Kurdish support, bum-rushed an ISIS prison compound at night to rescue 70 hostages who were slated for execution. Sgt. Thomas Patrick Payne’s badassery in that mission earned him a Medal of Honor. Our favorite history website, Badass of the Week, tells this harrowing heroic tale in action-packed detail. 

Here’s a snippet:

"[Payne] was a sniper team leader in the 75th Rangers for many years, and even won the incredibly difficult and grueling Best Ranger Competition, a hardcore endurance challenge that's basically like an Ironman Marathon except they shoot guns over your head the entire time, you have to carry your best friend around on your back for like half the race, and a vast majority of your competitors have actually killed people in real life. In 2010 Payne was blown up by a Taliban grenade and sent home with a Purple Heart, but this guy was so hardcore that he rehabbed, qualified for Special Forces, passed one of the most brutal training programs on earth, and then was selected for Delta. Oh, and he also married the nurse who had been assigned to treat his grenade wounds."

You really should read the rest of the story at Badass of the Week:

There’s even video of the prison break-in:

We at Kill Cliff know badasses when we see them.

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