GA Swarm use Kill Cliff to gain a 4th quarter advantage

Even after winning the National Lacrosse League championship in only their second season, the Georgia Swarm are still looking for ways to gain a competitive edge over their opponents. For the reigning champs, Kill Cliff Endure is that edge.

With lacrosse being dubbed by many as "the fastest game on two feet" it's essential to be able to compete at a high level throughout the entire game, especially during the crucial moments of the fourth quarter. Our Endure product has given the Swarm an advantage over their opponents when the game is hanging in the balance.

"Kill Cliff Endure has been very well received amongst our team, and we rely on it during games to keep our athletes fully hydrated on the floor," said Alec Sminke, Director of Lacrosse Operations. "We pride ourselves on being a strong fourth quarter team, and Kill Cliff Endure is helping us achieve that goal. It's built to keep our athletes fully charged all game long."

Since incorporating Kill Cliff into their routines, Swarm players have noticed their bodies responding to the products.

"I have definitely noticed a difference in my recovery from using Kill Cliff products," said Swarm Defenseman Chad Tutton. "Since using Kill Cliff products I have pretty much eliminated those high sugar sports drinks from my diet and am happy to say I feel great both on and off the floor!"

Georgia Swarm player enjoying Kill Cliff's Orange Mist Endure in the locker room.

With the postseason on the horizon, the Swarm are sitting at 9-7 on the season and are hoping to make a push in their last two games of the regular season that will result in their third straight playoff appearance. Players and management know that Endure will play a part in bringing them success down the stretch.

"We're always looking for products that will positively impact the performance of our athletes," Schimke said. "We recommend this product to our athletes as it's a very healthy drink and provides the essential electrolytes to re-charge our players on game days."

Cheers to Kill Cliff being consumed by the Swarm before, during, and after games (and hopefully post-game celebrations as well).

Click here to keep up with everything Georgia Swarm related.

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