Five Tips to Consider When Returning to Exercise After Injury

The road back to your normal gym routine after an injury is never easy no matter whether you sprained your ankle or ruptured a tendon. You are going to be itching to get back into the gym right away, we know, but before you go and re-injure yourself, take a look at some tips we’ve gathered about how to properly comeback from injury. Read the tips. Don’t be a jackass.

  1. Rest Your Body

Many injuries in the fitness world are the result of overtraining, which is simply applying too much stress to your body and not giving it enough time to recover. After you get injured do yourself a favor and sit back, relax a little bit, and drink Kill Cliff Recovery Drink. If you are suffering from symptoms such as fatigue, lack of sleep, increased heart rate, and or lack of mental focus then it’s likely that you aren’t giving your body enough time to recover from your previous high-intensity workouts. An injury is a perfect time to let your body get the rest it needs and deserves.

  1. Consult Knowledgeable People (Coaches, Trainers, Physical Therapists)

Injuries happen every day in fitness. It will be beneficial for you to have a conversation with your trainers, coaches, or a medical professional about your injury before you get back into high-endurance exercises. A medical professional can refer you to a physical therapist who will guide you back into your regular routine. We know you probably do not want to sit through months of physical therapy, so you can talk to a coach or a trainer who has likely seen athletes with the same injury you have before and can advise you in your recovery. You may even workout with someone who has suffered the same injury. Of course, everyone’s recovery will be different, but seeking the advice of these people can help you get back in the gym sooner.

  1. Start Slow

You may feel ready to go back to the gym and repeatedly pick up pieces of heavy metal for an hour, but that doesn’t mean your body is ready. When you are finally getting back to exercising make sure you are limiting yourself in your workouts. Starting back at half the pace you usually work out will slowly reintroduce your body to your workout. Over time, your body will adjust and you will be able to increase the intensity of your workout as your body recovers. If you are worried about getting fatigued much quicker than before, grab a Kill Cliff Endure and enjoy hydration and endurance before and during your workout.

  1. Listen to your pain

Pain during a workout will help you understand when your body has had enough. You can use your pain to set the boundaries of your workout. Some pain is fine but you should never feel complete discomfort when working out. If you do feel pain, do your best to stay in a pain-free range for the rest of your workout and decrease any weight you may be using. If you’re screaming in pain at the gym its likely people will assume you’re being a hardo. Don’t be that guy. Listen to your pain.

  1. Keep a positive mindset

During your recovery process, you may feel like you’re not getting anywhere because you’re not at full strength right away. Setting goals for every step of the way will show yourself that you are making progress. Seeing your progress will help you keep a positive mindset. Recovering from an injury can be just as tough mentally as it is physically. Finding ways to stay positive about the situation will only making things easier during this process.

Helpful resources for your recovery:

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