Epic Adventures

The Epic Charity Challenge is the brainchild of retired Navy SEAL, Lance Cummings, and embodies so much of what it means to #killthequit. Epic Charity raises money and gives back for noble causes through unique fundraising events. They seek to push participants beyond their comfort zones to achieve something great.

Epic Charity travels to iconic locations around the world to replicate historic challenges where ordinary people beat the odds and overcame unbelievable obstacles.

In 2017, Lance led a 20 person team to Greece to retrace the route of King Leonidas and his 300 warriors from Sparta to Thermopylae to intercept Persian invaders, covering 250 miles in 8 days. This event raised over $130k for the Glen Doherty Memorial Foundation and the Navy SEAL Foundation.


This year, Kill Cliff is proud to support the Epic Charity Challenge again. Please visit them and donate to the 2018 adventure, where on June 6th 2018 a select group of former, active and retired Navy SEALs and highly trained Civilians will attempt to conquer a truly epic challenge to raise funds for the Navy SEAL Museum.
First: A 7 Mile Swim off the beaches of Normandy France.
Second: a 27 Mile Run to a pre set destination.


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