Are Fat Burners Worth The Risk?

Fat burners are everywhere and for good reason. With billions of people overweight, everyone is looking for a way to quickly lose the fat they've gained. Fat burners combine ingredients to boost your metabolism and give you energy, but most of the ingredients used aren't FDA regulated and can be dangerous to your health. Let's take a deeper look at fat burners and FDA regulated alternatives (hint: it's KILL CLIFF).

What are fat burners?

Fat burners are intended to do exactly what they say. They are claimed to burn fat by increasing your fat metabolism, decrease your fat absorption, increase your weight loss and fat oxidation during exercise.

Fat burners usually come as a supplement containing ingredients such as caffeine, L-carnitine, green tea, conjugated linoleic acid, forskolin, chromium, Yohimbe, Glucomannan, and Raspberry Ketones.

Do fat burners really work?

It's a common misconception that simply just taking these fat burning supplements will give you results without any work. If that were the case, there would be no overweight people on Earth. For you to see the possible results, you need to put in the work.

A calorie-restricted diet will be most of the work. Limiting your caloric intake will help drastically improve the results you see from these fat burners. Fat burners will help curb your appetite, boost your energy, help fat be used for energy, and increase your metabolism, but if you think all of these things will happen while you scarf down pizza and burgers daily, you're going to be frustrated with your results.

Exercise and patience will also go a long way in seeing results on the scale. In order for fat burners to help you, you have to help yourself. It's recommended that you actually wait until you have developed your diet and exercise plan to introduce the fat burners. Once your body has adopted your eating and exercise routines, the results of the fat burners can be more effective.

Are fat burners dangerous?

Yes, fat burners can be dangerous. Fat burners do not need to be regulated by the Food and Drug Administration before they hit the market. Instead of being FDA-regulated, the responsibility of safety and effectiveness is on the manufacturer, which can be risky.

There have been many instances of fat burners being removed from shelves because they contain harmful ingredients. Some of these instances have caused consumers to feel side effects such as high blood pressure, strokes, seizures, and death.

We recommend doing solid research into the fat burner you are considering before purchasing to ensure you are getting a quality product that won't kill you.

When should I take fat burners?

There are two recommended times to take your fat burner supplement: before breakfast and before your workout.

It is suggested that you take your fat burner in the morning at least 30 to 40 minutes before you eat breakfast. Your metabolism is at its slowest in the morning due to it slowing down during your sleep. Taking your fat burner a half hour before breakfast will give time for your metabolism to speed up and will help not only the fat burning process but will also help control your appetite throughout the day.

Taking your fat burner just before working out will give you that extra kick of energy you might need to get through a grueling workout, leading to you burning more calories during your workout and throughout the day.

What are the side effects of fat burners?

  • Anxiety- Fat burners have been known to raise the stress hormone (cortisol) that affects your levels of anxiety.
  • Lack of sleep- Stimulants found in fat burners can change your sleeping patterns and can also increase your heart rate, leading to sleep prevention.
  • Increased blood pressure- The result of a sped-up metabolism can lead to your heart pumping faster than it should which can raise your blood pressure.
  • Behavior changes- Consumers of fat burners have gone through changes in behavior such as irritability, mood swings, aggressiveness, and nervousness.
  • Stomach problems- Fat burners can lead to stomach issues such as diarrhea, constipation, and other issues with bowel movements.
  • Death- As previously mentioned, there have been deaths involved with the consumption of fat burner supplements. Do your research before consuming it.

What are some natural fat burners?

  • Caffeine- Caffeine helps you burn body fat by giving your metabolism a boost and also helps your body burn fat as energy.
  • Green Tea Extract- Green Tea Extract give you all of the nutritional benefits of green tea in a powder/capsule. The extract contains caffeine and polyphenol epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which both help you burn fat.
  • Protein powder- Protein powder can boost your metabolism which will help burn fat and curb your appetite.
  • Soluble Fiber- A supplement of Soluble Fiber will curb your appetite and promote fat burning while restricting calorie absorption from food.
  • Yohimbine- This will keep your adrenaline levels high and block the receptors that usually suppress your body from burning fat. Be wary of painful side effects it may bring.

Is there a drink that can help burn fat?

Yes! KILL CLIFF Ignite is an FDA-regulated energy drink that contains caffeine and green tea extract which are two of the natural fat burners. With 150mg of caffeine, Ignite will give your metabolism a kick and will burn your fat as energy. The 150mg of caffeine in Ignite is sourced from green tea extract which also assists in burning fat.

Additionally, KILL CLIFF Ignite includes only FDA-regulated ingredients in its specialized blend of B-vitamins and electrolytes. It provides you with 10% of your daily values of magnesium and potassium, which helps regulate hydration and blood flow.

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