A Guide to Pre Workout Drinks -- Purpose, Ingredients, Impact, and the Kill Cliff Approach

Your body needs energy to reach it's potential. This isn't new scientific information. Regardless of what kind of exercise you're doing, having high energy levels can prevent you from premature muscle failure or exhaustion. A good choice of pre workout can give you an energy boost and delay fatigue.

What is in pre workout?

The most common ingredients in pre workouts are carbohydrates, caffeine, beetroot juice, and creatine monohydrate (a supplement that improves muscle-building). These common ingredients have been proven to improve athletic performance.

Carbohydrates are essential for energy. Carbs are your body's primary source of energy. When you're exercising, your body will use the carbohydrates your body has stored (glycogen), so it's recommended that you have carbs readily available to increase energy availability and athletic performance.

Like carbohydrates, you're probably very familiar with caffeine. For those of you living under a rock, caffeine is a stimulant that provides you with a powerful energy boost and alertness. Studies have shown that caffeine can have a positive impact on your athletic performance by making activity feel less strenuous. Caffeine helps muscles burn fat for energy instead of glycogen, which provides you with more energy than without. Additionally, caffeine improves your ability to produce power.

Beetroot juice is probably something you're less familiar with than the previous two but yields importance. Beetroot juice helps increase blow flow and decreases stress on your heart during exercise.

Lastly, creatine monohydrate is often found in pre workout formulas. Creatine is the by-product of naturally produced amino acids which are stored in muscles to provide quick energy. Though used often in pre workout, studies have shown that creatine may be best-ingested post workout to replenish the body's natural stores when they're low.

Are pre workout products bad for you?

Many pre workout products are dietary supplements, which are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. There may be unintended health consequences to the consumption of these products. However, we know all too well what happens if you pound too much Coke, Gatorade, and Doritos in your daily routine! The ingredients most regularly scrutinized in pre workout are caffeine, taurine, and creatine. Excessive consumption could do more harm than good, so it is important to be diligent in your dosing for effect with these key ingredients.

What are the side effects of pre workout products?

Potential side effects for many dietary supplements are easily found on popular medical and health websites. As with any stimulant, it is important to do the appropriate research and consume dosages appropriate for your workout goals.

Generally speaking, creatine is well known to lead to stomach irritation, so you could end up ruining your workout before you even get started. Likewise, too much caffeine can lead to increased heart rate, blood pressure, and a higher chance of cardiac arrest. Studies also suggest that the combination of high levels of caffeine with certain amino acids, like taurine, can lead to unintended consequences like cardiac death and myocardial infarction.

When should you take pre workout?

Caffeine usually reaches it's peak 45 minutes after consuming. With most pre workout products being caffeine-based, you need to make sure you take your pre workout at least 30 minutes to an hour before your workout. It is also important to consider the goals of taking a pre workout and to consume those most beneficial to your physical activity.

Are there pre workout drinks without caffeine?

Yes, there are pre workout products without caffeine -- often referred to as "stim free." These products usually replace caffeine with non-essential amino acids such as beta-alanine, tyrosine, and citrulline malate. That said, caffeine is typically considered to be the most effective of all pre workout ingredients.

Are there pre-workout drinks without creatine?

Yes, there are plenty of pre workout products that don't include creatine. You can consume creatine in addition to your pre workout at the dosing level and type that you prefer. This approach gives you the ultimate control of the fuel in your tank.


Is there an FDA regulated natural pre workout?

The FDA regulates many ingredients that are often found in pre workouts; although most pre workouts also include dietary supplements that are not regulated by the FDA. However, Kill Cliff IGNITE takes a different approach. We leave the creatine, amino acids, and tingly feel-good supplements to you, and rather focus on providing you with an optimized platform for energy and hydration.

Kill Cliff IGNITE includes only FDA-regulated ingredients in its specialized blend of natural caffeine, B-vitamins, and electrolytes. Strong levels of potassium and magnesium enable blood flow and hydration, while also reducing the likelihood of cramping (the majority of the US consumes a woefully inadequate level of potassium, yet it is one of the most important nutrients for regulating blood flow). The 150 mg of caffeine in Kill Cliff IGNITE (about the same level as a cup and a half of coffee) is naturally sourced from green tea. Click the button below to learn more about this non-GMO, Paleo ready, high performance, game-changing goodness...

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