7 Foods that are Secretly High In Protein

If you are to ask which foods are high in protein, you would probably get the same answers – eggs, chicken, fish, and beans. Although quite true, little does everyone know that there are a lot of other foods that are rich in protein.

Whether you are aiming to build more muscles or just simply stepping up your protein game, here are the 7 foods that are secretly rich in protein.

  1. Pistachios

Pistachios are one of the best low-carb-high-protein foods today. If you love nuts, pistachios should be one of them as an ounce of this nut can give you 6 grams of plant-based protein and 3 grams of fiber in totality.

This is a great combination especially when you are trying to lose weight because it will make you feel full a little longer than the usual. You may either munch on them for your daily snacks or you could also include them in your soups as a replacement for croutons and toppings.

  1. Avocado

There is a huge misconception about avocados making them a very uncommon food to consume for many health enthusiasts. They are believed to be rich in “fats.” However, it has been found that they are pretty much the good kind. Additionally, it is proven that avocados are rich in protein and at the same time are very low in carbs.

If you are intending to have those lean muscles, you better eat your avocados now.

  1. Walnuts

Nuts, in general, is a great addition to your healthy snacks. And walnuts must be your top choice of nuts if you want to get enough protein for your body. An ounce of walnuts contains 4.3 grams of proteins. Moreover, they are great for the health of your heart since it is fully packed with healthy fats.

Whether you like them as a snack to munch on or as a salad topper, walnuts can create a huge difference in terms of your daily protein needs.

  1. Spinach

It is a common knowledge already that most green leafy vegetables have high protein contents. But spinach conveys a different story. Spinach alone is already a great vegetable since it contains many antioxidants and nutrients. But a freshly cooked spinach has about 5 grams of protein.

Also, when you blend spinach into your smoothies, you can get enough protein levels too. So, you better start munching on your spinach or start blending it in with your smoothies. There’s a great reason why Popeye gets those muscles every time he eats spinach!

  1. Goat Cheese

Goat cheese is apparently a good source of calcium. But aside from this, it is also a great and tasty way to get enough protein for the day. By simply having an ounce of a goat cheese, you can cleanly obtain 6 grams of protein. This is quite similar to having 1 large egg per day!

You may eat your goat cheese in the morning as your breakfast. Instead of spreading peanut butter and other jellies on your wheat bread, try putting ¼ cup of goat cheese. You may add strawberry preserves too if you like a little sweet kick on your snacks.

  1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is known to be a food that is significantly good for the heart. But did you know that it is a great source of protein too?

Yes! Apparently, one cup of unprocessed and unsweetened oatmeal contains 6 grams of protein. Not to mention that having a cup per day is also beneficial if you want to obtain enough fiber as it delivers 4 grams of it. In addition, it is very low in sugar.

Whether you like it hot or mixed with your favorite smoothie, a cup of oatmeal per day can go a long way.

  1. Peas

Surprisingly, peas are great sources of protein too! Some may think of it as a simple and common snack only or just an additional ingredient in a certain dish. But, a cup of green peas apparently makes 8 grams of protein content which is quite significant in comparison to other green leafy vegetables.

If you are wondering whether to have them raw or frozen, you could actually have it either way. And you will still get the same. It’s just that when it is frozen, you could store them for days or even weeks.

The best way to consume them and get fully the protein nutrients is by steaming them and puree it after with tahini and gloves garlic. You may add a little lemon juice in the end. And voila, a new hummus for your usual day!


With all the foods given above, you may see that some of them are great combinations for your favorite smoothies. So, if you are a smoothie-lover and want to get high amounts of protein for your body, you may want to try these protein-rich smoothies:

  1. Almond Avocado Matcha Smoothie

Almonds and matcha are great sources of antioxidants. They also have anti-inflammatory properties. And blending them with avocados is just enough for your daily intake of protein, fiber, and antioxidants.

All you need to do is to blend ½ pitted avocado, 1 teaspoon of matcha, 1 tablespoon of almond butter, 1 cup of vanilla almond milk, and 1 cup of ice. For a more nutrient-rich smoothie, you may add 1 chopped pear and 1.5 ounces of red lettuce.

  1. Green Protein Smoothie

Kale is one of the best green leafy vegetables that you can eat every day. Adding it with pineapples and tangerine will totally help you improve your diet inside out.

Now, in making this green protein smoothie, you will only need 1 ounce of lacinato kale, ½ avocado, 4 ounces of pineapple juice, 1 peeled tangerine, water, and ice. You may add almonds and pea protein too.

Having one glass of this smoothie per day will help to know you the benefits of drinking smoothie, since it is very high in protein, antioxidants, vitamin K, and vitamin C.

  1. Orange Pineapple Smoothie

Oranges and pineapples are tasty ways to boost your immune system. But, in making this smoothie, you need to blend it with hemp seeds which are commonly known to be rich in fiber. With this smoothie at hand on a daily basis, you can replace your meals and function even healthier.

Blend 1 peeled orange, 4 ounces of pineapple juice, 1 tablespoon of hemp seeds, 1 tablespoon of goji berries, water, and ice. This will give you 2 enough servings.

There are a lot of tasty ways to obtain your daily protein needs. These foods and smoothies are great alternatives for the common sources of protein especially if you want to try other tasty options than eggs, dairy products, and white meats.

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